Friday, January 23, 2015

Fabulous Friday!

One of the bloggers I follow via email is Vinita Hampton Wright, an author and publisher from Kansas. Her blog - Days of Deepening Friendship ( - is subtitled For Women Growing Wiser, but it is helping me become wiser also.

Her post for to-day is a simple but beautiful prayer, and I share it here via the wonders of Ctrl C and Ctrl V.

God, who creates me and who loves me,
I open my thoughts to receive you.
I open my heart to welcome you.
I open my eyes to see your possibilities for me.
I open my ears to listen more attentively to my life.
I open my dreams to include wonders beyond my sight.
I open my future to your grace.
I open my struggling soul to your peace.

Thank You, Father, for your Church. 
Thank You for all those who have come before us, and for those who are with us now, and for all of those who will come after us; who love You and who serve You faithfully.
Thank You for the encouragement and exhortation that You send us through others during our pilgrimage. Thank You for not giving up on any of us.
Your mercy and love are unfathomable.
You are love, perfect love.
All praise and honor and glory to You!

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