Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Day 1 of this contemplative journey I am undertaking.

I fear fasting, I confess.
I fear abstaining, I confess.
I fear almsgiving, I confess.

Lord Jesus, make these three so much a part of me that I begin to welcome such opportunities; and forgive me for my selfishness. Be my sufficiency during this 40 days of Lent and beyond.
I praise you for your goodness.
Also, Father - I pray
For the men of Livingston County, that we would all turn to You with our whole heart;
For Pope Benedict XVI, his healing, and his successor;
For the Church, that YOU would continue to lead Her, guide Her, protect Her;
For our Protestant brothers and sisters, that You would open their hearts and minds to Your truth, and take away their bitterness and anger;
For those hurting, lonely, afraid to-day, that You would protect and comfort, and bring hope.

Thank You for Your Love, thank You for Your Son, thank you for Your plan.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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