Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Daily Assault on my Olfactory Nerves

Oh it smells like fall!

As I sit right next to my westward facing window in the morning in the offices of Livingston Lending in beautiful downtown Brighton, and as the light rain pitters on the street below, the aroma comes in!

Now on most days here amidst several thousand nearby eateries, pubs, diners, restaurants, and fast food joints, I get other types of smells depending on the time of day...

10:00 usually signifies bacon cheeseburger time from Coney Joes directly below us. That bacon smell is a tough one. On more than one occasion it has prompted me to call down and order a hot dog.
Closer to noon and the grill smells from Lu and Carls across the street start coming over - you know that bar food smell that reeks of fatty fried potato wedges and cheese sticks and grilled beef done to perfection?

Early afternoon is when it gets tricky. The Thai restaurant - whose vent stacks are right outside our southern facing window - really gets that grease fryer going. So from outside we get that nasty grease smell but from within we get the cooked seasoned meat and vegetable smells that last the rest of the day til morning when I come up those stairs the next day. :-)

Yestreday the fluke was some sort of cinnamon bun baking smell which had me sopping up the drool with paper towels. Don't know where that one came from.

Another oddity comes from the Thai place below. There is a rope coming from ground level to the roof and over to a large weight hanging from an apparatus right next to some duct-work. Every day at some point, they pull that rope several times, which brings the weight away from the duct, and then let it go, which lets the weight bang into the duct. It is loud, and I know not why they do it.

The white tripod holding the rope that holds the weight that bangs again the metal at random times, on the roof next to our south-facing window
Our most favorite rep just called telling me to order the pizza, salad, pop, cups, plates, utensils and napkins and she will pay for it when she gets here. Yippeeeeee!

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