Wednesday, December 26, 2018

God bless us, everyone.

Well, He does, and He certainly did yestreday! We were fortunate enough that the temps only got into the low thirties and the wind wasn't bad, so I was able to make a fire and grill our CHRISTmas dinner!

I marinated our bone-in ribeye steaks over night in Italian dressing, and then only seasoned both with a little fresh cracked black pepper. 145 before the sear for my sweetie and 115 before the sear for mine, then the blackening for about 10 minutes to get both up to temperature. I threw in  a bundle of asparagus and mushrooms to complement our meat and potato dinner. What a treat!!

Our boiling potatoes with the skins on, these get butter, sour cream, and a bit of cream cheese. MMMM-MMMMM

Strawberry sauce for on top of the cheesecake

The beginnings of our stock, to which i added the beef bone for our stroganoff later in the week

Corn sliced from the cob -sweet and crunchy!

onions to go with the...

...mushrooms, which I cooked in butter, garlic, and red wine

Bella mushrooms: hearty, meaty, full of flavor

The best steaks I've ever had! (Dad's on the grill when we were kids notwithstanding).

125 for the perfect rare done-ness and delicious-ness

CHRISTmas goodness for which we were most thankful; God be praised!

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