Saturday, June 12, 2021

God's Well-tended Flock

From Loyola Press; today's retreat

Psalm 95:7

For this is our God,whose people we are, God's well-tended flock.Oh, that today you would hear his voice.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leads us safely to the Father. With so many voices vying for our attention, hearing God's voice can be a challenge. We see Jesus' obedience to his parents, his faithfulness to the Ten Commandments, and his acceptance of his Father's will. Jesus leads us on a path to salvation. When we follow Jesus, we come to know more fully God's love for us. This, in turn, frees us to be more like Jesus.

In my day-to-day life what voices compete with the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd?

How can I respond to those other voices?

(Speak to Jesus, using this prayer or one of your own.)

Good Shepherd of my life, lead me from death into life.


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