Thursday, November 29, 2018

lunch walk

on the boardwalk, panoramic river view
met the 300 Ducks
not worrying,
not resisting
some quiet, some squawking

light snow
very little breeze
'the Babe, the Son of Mary' running through my brains

no chapstick
no phone
'adventure is out there!'
push on to the end

at a thousand paces the boardwalk ended
turn around
oh oh! low sugar

couple of smarties...
not enough
the rest of them...
not enough
keep walking, get back
nutrigrain bar...
not enough
oh well, keep walking, push
staggering like a drunk
the tell-tale whitening of everything I see
almost back...

cross the road 3-2-1 STOP - but i can make it
stagger up the steps, to the hot room
fridge there with yogurt and fruit
sit down with spoon and cold goodness
across my palet and tongue
down the throat
bringing slow relief

wipe the sweat, log the carbs
back to work

thank You for getting me back safely

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