Sunday, October 22, 2017

Wyandotte, by my nephew Carlos Luis

Lets buy a house somewhere in Wyandotte

Lets empty our pockets and give what we've got

Abandone this whole in the wall that we own

Let's go to Wyandotte buy us a home

Let's go buy a house somewhere far from this town

Where the roof isn't leaking - the waters' not brown

Far from that corner where someone got shot

Lets go and buy a home in Wyandotte

With a white epicket fence and a siding of brick

that old big bad wolf blows down all straws and sticks

Lets go buy a house some where far away from here

Where the air isnt toxic, it's fresh ...  and it's clear

Not a cabin or condo, apartment or flat

Just a nice place with Welcome spelled out on the mat

I'll find us a place where our family will roam

Let's go to Wyandotte and buy us a home

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