Sunday, February 16, 2020


All praise and honor to You: Father Son Holy Spirit! Aleluia! Aleluia!
I praise You for Your Word!
I praise You for Your plan!
I praise You for Your Son!
I praise You for Your Spirit!
I praise You for Your creation!
I praise You, for You are worthy of all praise!!

Father, I confess my sins of thought, word, and deed; in things I've done, and in things I've failed to do. For these and all my sins, I ask Your forgiveness: LORD have mercy; CHRIST have mercy; LORD have mercy.

I thank You for a beautiful new day, for the sunshine and birds and boomer and all our physical comforts and appliances, a warm bed, a furnace that works, running water, food and drink, family and friends, job, vehicles, and especially the LOVE of God.

And so this morning, I pray for 
Francis and all the priests, bishops, deacons and their families, and Your Church all over the world, especially where there is persecution
President Trump and his family, Judge Kavanaugh and his family, and Judge Gorsuch and his family, and all who are fighting to make America great
John Martignoni, the Bible Christian Society, and men of good will everywhere
Bill Patrick, Pastor Bob, Kurt Kramer, Mike Basner, Paul and his mom and dad and brother, Recker Don and Jim Stieart, and all the guys I sat at table with five and a half years ago, and the teams and candidates and their families for all the upcoming Cursillo weekends
Every child, and every one who does not know You
Every parent, grandparent, spouse
Those who are having a hard time making the rent or gas or electric payment or truck or mortgage
Those in prisons, those in hospitals
Those who work with their hands - the blue collar folks, including our rescue workers, military, police - LORD bring them home safely
The one who has no one to pray for him
Those struggling with addictions and physical or mental distress
Marty, Roger, Kevin, Tony, their children and their families
Rocky and his family, Carol and her family
Adam, Deb, Cheryl, Bonnie, Phyllis, Amy, Mary Joe, Dufort, Taleen, Ben and the rest, their families and their children
Tommy, Shelly, Vic, AJ, Ninny, Peggy, John and their families
Stan and Rita
Stan, Charlotte, Kathy, Justin, Dana, Aaron, Joey, Mary, Grace, Caleb, Stosh, Stacie and her baby, Carter, Ryan, Emily
Mary Ann, Dean, Courtney, Rusty, Drew, Mason, Ryan, Riley, Emery, Meggie, Jake, Quinn, Camryn, Deacon, Kacie and Alex, Brett and his girlfriend
Moni and Bob, Jon and Jay and Jen and Joslin and Liam - and I pray those beautiful grandbabies would grow up to love and serve You all the days of thier lives
Pam and Ken and Kenny and Kendall
Carolyn and Doug and his family, Angie, Peyton, Addie, Nash
Terry and Jeannie and her family, Tye, Sophia, Trent
Kevin and Justen and her family, Tori, Kaylee, Kristine and Cameron, Mike and his mom, Coret and her family
Mom and dad and all their cousins and aunts an uncles and nieces and nephews, and for healing for them
Nancy and Ruben and his family, especially baby Sullivan, Ray, Ricki, Ben, Belle, Alex, Carlos and Cheyenne and her family
Gary, Susie and her family, Joshua, Taylor, Jeremy, Lauren and her family, Mary, Nicholas and their family
All the brothers in the prayer group, the catechism group, and Steve and his family
May we all come to know you closer through the truth and fullness of the Catholic Church

I offer You this day, LORD; all my comings and goings, plans and thoughts and words and deeds.

To You be the glory, hallelujah, hallelujah!

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