Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday

O God of second chances, thankfully You give us this time during Lent to be filled, directed, and empowered by Your Spirit. As we enter fully into Lent, show us what we need to see to more fully follow Your Gospel. What in our lives needs the anointing of Your Spirit? What in our lives needs clarity on the direction we are being invited to? What in our lives do we need strength to feel empowered to go out and do in Your name?

We seek to be filled, directed, and empowered by Your Spirit, O God of second chances, to overcome the temptations in our own lives as Your Son overcame the temptations in the desert. We seek to be filled and directed by Your Spirit as we go out into our public ministries, as Jesus was directed to do after His time alone with You.
—Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls and
The Inner Chapel

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