Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Evening Prayer

Perfect Holy Immortal, Invisible God only wise,

All praise to You this evening! You alone are worthy of our praise; if we did not sing out, the rocks would!

I confess our sin to you, Lord, and ask for Your forgiveness yet again, by the blood of the Lamb. For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Thank You for all good gifts: life, love, laughter, family, friends, food, shelter, song, salvation.

Father, I pray tonight for those who are ill and suffering - bring Your healing to them

for those who are without a home to lay their head - provide for them

for those without a family to love them - send surrogate family from Christ's Body

for those who have no one to pray for them - hear their prayer

for those who feel the need to hurt others - change their hearts

for those with little - be their Sustenance

for those with much - be our Sufficiency

for those who do not yet know You - come, Lord Jesus

for those who do know You and struggle with doing the right thing - forgive us when we fail, and give us the grace to continue to fight the good fight

for those faced with weighty decisions - grant us Your peace

for those who are grieving tonight - comfort their hearts.

Into Your hands we commend ourselves, our bodies and souls and all things. Let Your Holy Spirit be with us, that the wicked foe may have no power over us.


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