Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Merciful Jesus

I am part of an online Bible study group of people from all over the world; we're reading through the four Gospels in a calendar year. Yestreday's reading was from Dr. Luke, where he describes the Transfiguration and Jesus' call for us to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses daily. One of the folks in our group posted this prayer, which so spoke to my heart that I have copied it here, with permission, and I am making it my personal prayer to-day.

Thanks so much to Joyce W for all the spiritual insight and wisdom you share with us daily.

Lord, You give to each of us the cross of self knowledge. 
When we fail to take up that cross and allow You to transform us, 
we add to the weight of the crosses of others around us. 
Merciful Jesus, help me to face up to my own shortcomings 
and to respond with love and mercy to the shortcomings of others.

LORD, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

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