Saturday, September 12, 2020

On our deck

In the cool of the morning
He is here with me.
Before all else
He is here with me.
He permeates all, He fills the air with sweetness

Then the cock crows not far off - bravely, proudly; like you would want your morning alarm to sound like.
Created by Him.

The thin sliver of moon is directly overhead in the waning darkness.
Our Father set it there.

A not far off tweet, tweet, tweet: the cardinal has come

An early bee buzzes by sniffing at the roughcut lumber

Faintly the drum bumpety drum of traffic on the expressway can be heard from almost two miles away

The cranes greet each other brightly not far away

Cigarette smoke drifts up the hill, reminding me to be thankful

The hummers come by swiftly, one after another. They are on their morning tour: geraniums, asters, garden phlox, the catmint, a rest in the dappled willow, then to the plum tree and then the feeder ... the sparrows begin to chatter

Next the doves come, one at a time, to the safflower. These, too, are gifts to us from Almighty God. 

Soon there is a merry throng gathered around the bath, the cakes of suet, the safflower seed and all the nearby resting spots. 

Jesus loves me, this I know; 

For the wildlife shows me so

Little me to Him belongs

I am weak, yet He is strong.

All praise to You - Mighty God - Father, Son, Spirit!
Your love abounds
Your mercy is everlasting!

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