Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Recipe #17: Mexican Chicken Bake

Can you even call something 'Mexican' anymore? Will the lefting libtards cry mysogeny or racism or some other such common morgul-filth that seems to come out of their foul mouths these days over and over?!?


'Mexican', for lack of a better word; 'chicken with salsa bake' if you prefer.

I cooked up about a pound of chicken strips in medium Meijer salsa and diced white onion; and then added the mixture to a baking dish already layered with crushed corn tortilla chips. I then brushed the chicken with sour cream, topped it with diced tomatoes, and then covered all with a multitude of shredded sharp cheddar cheese.

Boneless chicken strips cooking in salsa and white onion

Our kitchen shelf over the vent hood, over the stove

Chicken on top of crushed corn chips in a greased bake pan

Probably the funnest part of putting this dish together: the smearing of
the Sour Cream

Fresh diced tomatoes on top...

and then the cheese, and then the baking: 350 for about 40 minutes will get everything nice and bubble-y

Enjoyed with a dollop of guacamole on top

Our little corner in the kitchen, where the spices rest, the knives stand ready, and the oven mittens hang

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