Having said their goodbye's in Lothlorien, the Company of the Ring paddled south along the Great River toward Mordor. Aragorn, now leader by default, was deep in thought regarding the path the Company should take once they had to make a decision: eastward with the ring, and to certain doom, or westward to Minas Tirith to stand with that City on Seven Hills and fight the enemy as they were able (leading eventually to almost certain doom).
The River was quiet, the weather fair, yet the hearts of the Company were troubled. Each carried their own thoughts and fears - all most assuradly wondered how they would fare without Gandalf leading them: Gimli, son of Gloin mourned his people who fell in Moria. In spite of the imminent and present danger, the thoughts of Legolas Greenleaf drifted to the Grey Havens, where he heard the cry of the gull. Boromir was stern and set on defeating Sauron by might, and any means obtainable. Meriadoc and Perigrin, both paddling with him, tried to sleep to keep the danger ahead out of mind. Frodo Ring-Bearer was deeply saddened by the fall of Gandalf, but knew where he must be headed. Samwise likewise, knew his destiny was with Master Frodo, where ever that may be. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, knew his ultimate destiny, but the care and protection of the remaining Company were his immediate concern.
So they paddled and drifted, now close to the west bank, now nearing the east (and the foul cries there), umtil at one point they could hear the Falls of Rauros, and knew it had come time to make a decision.
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