Monday, September 28, 2015

Recipe #97 Jalapeno Poppers!

This past weekend I was able to whip up my second attempt at a recipe that I received from a buddy of mine. Here, making my mouth water and with minor alterations is the simple, quick, and easy plan for success.


several jalapeno peppers, sliced lengthwise and cleaned of seeds
1 brick of cream cheese
4-5 slices of bacon, cut small and fried til crunchy
chives from the garden, diced

I warmed the cheese a bit while frying the bacon, and washed and diced the chives also.

Into a bowl throw the cheese, chives, and bacon (crumbled up nicely), and stir until mixed.

Spoon the mixture into the jalapeno halves and then lay them on the top shelf of your grill for about a half hour. This will give them a nice slow cook: the cheese will soften up a bit, the pepper skin gets nice and soft, and the flavor that is released is incredible. 

God bless!

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