Lord, grant those who have died the joy of Your Presence, and us who are living the happiness of knowing this.
Going on 8 in the pm and the temps are dropping; there is a line of storms coming across the Big Lake toward us. The wind was blowing from the south-soutwest between 15-20 mph all day...right now it's closer to 5 mph and the sky has taken on the same forboding dark color that Meriadoc and Peregrin saw when Sauron was attacking Gondor with all his evil might towards the end of the 3rd Age of Middle Earth. Grrrr.... gives me the shivers it does.
Landlord has prepped all day for the meal he is preparing now and the aromas are {{...i just watched a meow mix commercial and the cats were singing like they did in the 70's}} enough to make me drool (along with, of course, Guy Ferreti's footage ("Triple D") of large people devouring quanitities of mustard onion-chili dogs and french fries smothered in gravy in Baltimore). It's a figurative drool, I might add; my keyboard would not be happy otherwise.
Tigers lost to-day at Fenway in the first of four games in Boston before they come home this weekend...
Takin down the cathedral of Boston - priceless.
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